[ S H A D O W L A N D S . O R G ]

s h a d o w l a n d s   f o r u m is the collaboration software we use. Much more than a chat room, it enables us to coordinate social activities, locate people we need to get in touch with, and have a shared area to relax in.

Shadowlands Forum is the dedicated, wonderful work of Jeremy Monin, Dan Chin, and Matt Lochansky, and is released under the GNU Public License. Matt also did these web docs.

It's been under constant use and development by the shadowlands community for the last eight years, and used by countless other places as well.


[ F E A T U R E S ]
Shadowlands Forum has many good features resulting from its heavy continuous use and much helpful feedback from Shadowlands members. Or you can read about some of the Communications and user functions, utilities, fun stuff, or guest abilites.
If you are a linux server administrator, find out what added flexibility we have provided for you.

Try it out yourself! Download the latest stable version! Currently verified to run under Linux 2.0-2.6. Includes the authlocal module for automatic login from localhost.

For a quick overview of new features in this release, please look here.

The devel version has fixes needed to run on Fedora Core. The current devel version is 1.9.7-devel18 and is avail for download (gz) (bz2). It's no less stable (we always run this version at shadowlands.org) but the new features might need some cosmetic tweaking. (devel changelog)

Questions to forum@shadowlands.org ... see also our changelogs.