Shadowlands Forum Commands

Currently Available commands and their uses

   Not Being Here:  !away   !exit   !quit
   Who _Is_ Here?:  !who    !here   !users   !showaway
   Checking Stuff:  !time   !date   !msgchk  !topic     !comment   !roll
   Whispering:      !to     !also   !beep    !!         !printwho
   Strangers:       !kick   !accept
   Virtual Users:   !admin
   Utility:         !clear  !set    !ignore  !unignore  !listen    !version

Not Being Here

!away [<message>]
allows you to become away and set an away message
Disconnects you from Shadowlands Forum
!quit, !bye (or ctrl-D ctrl-D)
same as !exit

Who _Is_ Here?

!who [<username>]
Shows all people currently connected to the chatroom, or if you type a name after !who it will print details of that person's login, if they're logged in. For security purposes, !who makes no distinction between a user not being in the room, and not existing on the system.
Shows everyone who's not idle, or idle less than a predetermined amount of time (default is 15 minutes; this is a preference you can individually set for yourself.)
Shows who's connected, who's idle, and shows away messages for those who are !away
Shows the away messages for those who are !away

Checking Stuff

!time, !date
displays the current date andtime
checks your email on the system running Shadowlands Forum, if you have a shell account there.
Can either set a topic or check on past ones. This may not be enabled.
Sets your comment on the current topic.
Lists the past few topics.


Will send a private message to someone
Will send message to someone in addition to others you are sending private messages to - great for talking with multiple people but not everyone in the chatroom
Will give someone a beep on their computer
Talk to entire room instead of whispering to one person. Also allows you to start a line with the command character, instead of Forum thinking it's a command. If you change this character, to / for example, you'd use // to start a line with the command character. (You may also hit Ctrl-O to toggle command interpretation on/off.)
When you're using !to and !also to whisper to multiple people, this command reminds you who you're talking to.
Rolls imaginary dice.


Disconnects a guest from the room
Permits a waiting guest entry into the chat room (They can't get in by themselves; they must be let in.)

Virtual Users

Enter the admin menu to add/edit/delete virtual users
!admin topics [on|off]
Turn topics on or off, if they're compiled into slfprefs.h


!clear (or ctrl-L)
Clears the screen
Allows you to change settings which are individual to each user.
Lets you add, change (replace) or delete macros.
!macro list This lists any macros you have already entered.
!macro add This command adds a macro. First it asks for a key to assign the macro to; type any key on your keyboard, including letters, numbers, control keys or punctuation keys. Note: Upper- and lowercase letters are considered separate for macros. After assigning the key, you will type your new macro. You can use many lines (up to 1023 characters). Hit enter on a blank line to finish. Finally, you'll be asked whether Forum should hit enter after placing the macro's last line in your buffer. Answer this question and the macro is ready. Type Ctrl-E, then hit the key you assigned, to execute your macro.
!macro edit This command replaces a macro. First it asks for the macro's key. It will ask if you want to replace the macro. If you say yes, you enter the new macro just as you enter it for !macro add.
!macro del This command deletes a macro. First it asks for the macro's key. It will ask if you really want to delete it. If so, it is done. Note that it won't print the macro to screen to confirm it's the right one; be careful.
!macro clear This command clears your macro list; you will have no macros afterwards.
Look here for more details on macros.
!timer <time-or-minutes> [public] [<description>]
!alarm <time-or-minutes> [public] [<description>]
(Same thing, just two names for convenience)
Timer is a flexible utility that allows you to set timed reminders for yourself or everyone in the Forum. This llows you to set a timer to ring at a certain time or so many minutes in the future. By typing "public" after the expiration time, the timer will be public for everyone to see. Also optionally, you can have a description for the timer, explaining why you set the timer in the first place.

!alarm 0 cancels an alarm.

!alarm with no parameters lists current timers.

Allows you to ignore talking in the main room, beeps, guests, banners or dice rolls, in any combination; see ignore options below. Type !ignore by itself to see the current settings, and !ignore ? for available options.
Erases any or all ignore flags set
Sets words to listen for and show you, if you are ignoring public chat.
Shows the room's current uptime and boot time
Shows version and other information relating to Shadowlands Forum
Options for !ignore
The options below can be given to the !ignore and !unignore commands; for the plural options, the "s" at the end can be left off. You may give !ignore and !unignore as many of these options as you want.
Ignores everything that can be ignored from the list below.
Nothing is ignored.
Further beeps will be silent, not audible. Things which beep are people arriving, people coming back from away, and new mail notifications.
When someone beeps you with the !beep command, it will print "you have been beeped" but not make an audible beep. Normally, !beep will audibly beep at you even if you are ignoring beeps.
Ignores all public messages; useful for when you're whispering with someone and want no distractions.
You will not "hear" the hourly chime.
Ignores all messages, both public and private, from guests.
Turns off "you will be idle soon, hit any key to cancel" feature.
You won't see emote messages ( * user waves * )
Moves or Movement
You will see no output when someone enters, leaves, becomes away, or returns from being away.
You will see no output when someone uses the !roll command.
You will see no output when someone uses the !spam command.
You will not see "Spam from username: /tmp/.banner/filename" messages.
You won't see "username kicks username" messages.
You won't see the 8ball's oraculations.

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